The Grey Goose is about to fly! Nope, this is not an obscure quote from a numbers station; its a real product.
About 2 months ago, Jeff Carr over at Intelfusion set out to put together an OSINT team to take a look at Russian hackers and how they supported (or not) the Russian war effort in Georgia. Specifically, they sought to conduct "analysis of Russian hacker blogs in an effort to uncover connections that may not be readily apparent."
Jeff releases his initial round of results tomorrow. If you are interested in a copy, check out his post here for the instructions.
Thinking about the future, and, more importantly, how to think about the future.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Israel-Iran Faceoff On Play The News (
Play The News has an interesting new predictive "game" (see below) on Israel's response to Iranian nuclear ambitions. As a teaching tool, this game (and Play The News in general) provides a good overview of the issue and then forces the reader/learner to synthesize what they have just read by coming up with an analytic judgment. It is a nice, tight package that would work well in a hour long class or as a homework assignment.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Sunday Funnies: Take On Me, Literally... (Current via Boing Boing)
If you survived the 80's (as I did) then this "new" Take On Me video will resonate. If you missed that decade, check out what we were doing back then (feel free to laugh at either version...).
"New" Version:
80's Version:
"New" Version:
80's Version: