Friday, May 13, 2011

Genocide Warning For Kenya And Iran, An Interactive Timeline Of The Arab Spring Protests, New Government Source For Finding Intel Jobs (Link List)

Lots of powerful stuff landing on my desk this week.  Not enough time to write them all up so I just bundled them for the weekend:

The Sentinel Project For Genocide Prevention.  This is yet another example of an NGO getting into the business of intelligence (Another good example is the Southern Poverty Law Center's Intelligence Project on hate crimes groups).  This group of volunteers has taken the most recent research on indicators of genocide and turned it into an early warning system.  They are currently issuing alerts on Kenya and Iran.

The Path Of Protest.  The Guardian has put together a fascinating interactive infographic (see screenshot below) that captures all of the major incidents for all of the uprisings and protests in the Middle East and puts them in a single timeline.  The pic does not do it justice.  You need to see it for yourself. (Hat tip to Kevin F.)  I suppose you could use it to search for anything in any of the 50 million or so pages that Federal, state and local governments have made available but I used it to search for "intelligence analyst jobs".  I was both pleased and surprised that it not only brought up the usual federal listings but that it also brought up state and local intel analysis jobs that currently need filling.  Very useful for the law enforcement intel analyst.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Grad Courses In Nonproliferation Analysis, Leadership In Intel Offered Online This Summer (

We are offering two new, online, graduate level courses this summer: Nonproliferation Analysis and Contemporary Leadership In Intelligence. Both courses are filling rapidly but currently have a few slots left. The courses will start 6 JUN and will run through 12 AUG.

If you already know you are interested, you can contact Linda Bremmer, who administers all our online offerings, at  If you want a bit more info, read on!

Although these courses are part of our Master of Science in Applied Intelligence program, both courses are also open to other qualified individuals. US citizenship is not required and it is not necessary to be enrolled in another Mercyhurst program. All students who successfully complete the classes receive 3 (fully transferable) graduate credits, so participants must have a prior undergraduate degree to enroll.

The leadership course will examine organizational leadership in the context of intelligence organizations and units. Students will explore leadership styles, principles, and models, in addition to developing a personal sense of how to lead groups and how to lead change within an intelligence organization.

Taught by the director of our graduate program, Dawn Wozneak (a former FBI analyst), the course will also examine contemporary issues and ethical challenges facing intelligence leaders, particularly how leadership decisions impact organizations, staff, morale, and public perceptions of intelligence organizations.

The Nonproliferation Analysis course will be taught by Kimberly Gilligan, currently with the Global Nuclear Security Technology Division, International Safeguards Group, at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

This course was specifically designed for analysts and other interested people who do not specialize in non-proliferation issues but want/need some background in this area.

Topics will include the nuclear fuel cycle, the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the Additional Protocol, safeguards (including an overview of verification techniques and the use of open-source information), export control, proliferation incentives (and disincentives), nonproliferation trends, and nuclear terrorism. Two case studies will explore the nuclear black market and proliferation.

If you are interested now, contact Linda Bremmer, who can answer any additional questions, at