Thinking about the future, and, more importantly, how to think about the future.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Entry-Level Intel Analysts In Law Enforcement Jobs Report Now Available For Download!
Last fall, we began a quest to capture the hiring prospects over the next 12 months for entry-level intelligence analysts (the kind we produce) in each of the three major sub-disciplines of intel: National security, law enforcement and business.
Today we are putting out the 2012 Entry-Level Hiring Projections for Law Enforcement Intelligence report (click on the link to download).
The report was compiled by the same analyst who produced the national security report to rave reviews, Whitney Bergendahl.
This report contains, in addition to Whitney's analysis, the collected wisdom of all the hiring managers and intelligence professionals who took our survey on job prospects. I would particularly like to thank the International Association of Crime Analysts and the International Association of Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysts for circulating our survey among their members.
Of course, we welcome your feedback (send it directly to me or leave a comment below). For those of you interested, in December, 2011, we put out the national security report and you can still find the details here. We look forward to publishing the last installment on the business market for jobs next week some time.