Friday, May 23, 2008

New Blog On The Block (RUEE)

Prof. William McGill at Penn State has just started a blog called Risk, Uncertainty and Everything Else. His purpose behind the blog is, as he puts it on his "About" page, "to capture my thoughts and comments about various things I have found, read, seen, or heard about in relation to risk and uncertainty." He goes on to say, "this blog will keep people informed about the latest research and activities in risk and uncertainty modeling, and how it relates to security and safety risk analysis problems." So far he has a good post listing journals in the field and a more technical post talking about "Pignistic probability density functions that convey the epistemic uncertainty associated with the cumulative distribution function values for different levels of loss." And may he have many more...

Seriously, McGill is part of a new effort at Penn State to explore, as I understand it, the more technical side of intelligence analysis. As a "risk professional and methodologist" with both DOD and DHS, I expect he will try bring some rigor to the unruly data that makes up most of our input. I wish him well with his research and his blog!

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