Friday, January 9, 2009

Cruise Missive: NIC Publishes New Paper On Global Health, Avoids Detection (NIC)

I love the National Inteligence Council (NIC). Really. I do. These guys are some of the brightest analysts working some of the toughest problems in the world.

But they don't know PR from boo-diddly...

Yesterday, they published an excellent paper on the Strategic Implications of Global Health, complete with some truly outstanding charts and graphics (like the one below - click on it to see the larger version). You think they would get the word out. Maybe post something on their home page, maybe have a press release, maybe have something on the DNI's home page.

Nada. Zip. Zero.

I should be happy, I guess (this is what journalists call a "scoop", I think). The analysts at the NIC have done good work, though, and it deserves a broader audience than what this tiny blog can provide. So, if you are reading this, pass it on...

(For all the fans of Mercyhurst, we get a shout-out in the Scope Note for our strategic intelligence project on the implications of chronic and infectious diseases on US national interests. Hooo-ahhh!!)


  1. Nice find, Kris. I added it to my Friday Brief.

  2. I received something from them (DNI) today about it. I am signed up to receive press releases and stuff. You can sign up at

  3. Still not on their website or in their RSS feeds. I am assuming you got it through their email service. Strange that they would do one but not all...

  4. Thanks for this. I'm surprised that Iran has such a high obesity rate.

  5. Hi Kris,

    it's in the ISN digital library now. We'll run it as a feature next week. Nice to see they acknowledged Mercyhurst.
