One of my favorite websites, Lifehacker, featured a post by one of my other favorite websites, Digital Inspiration, yesterday that shows you how to get one-click translation of virtually any website integrated into your browser.
The tool is the Translate This! bookmarklet. All you have to do is grab the bookmarklet from the Lifehacker page and then move it into the toolbar (see the screencast below).
Then, when you run across a website in a foreign language, you just click the button and the page is converted into a reasonable facsimile of a translation. The tool works by automatically identifying the language on the page to be translated and then using Google Translate to translate it to English.
I tried out with a Croatian language site and a Farsi language site and it seemed to work pretty well.
If you like this bookmarklet, there are many others available here, and here.
(Production Note: I made the screencast using a very easy, online sceencasting tool called Screencast-o-matic. It requires no download and is free to use as it is currently in beta).
If you are using Firefox (and the screenshot looks like you are), the Foxlingo addon is the best translation tool I have seen. Although the Farsi translator in it is horrible.