Thursday, December 10, 2009

Insider’s Guide To Careers In Intelligence Analysis (Henley-Putnam University)

Henley-Putnam University is sponsoring a free webinar on careers in intelligence analysis on 17 DEC at 1100 (PST). Registration is required but the webinar is free.

According to Henley-Putnam: "Author and Henley-Putnam adjunct professor Thomas B. Hunter will provide an introduction to careers in intelligence analysis, including a discussion of counterterrorism, human factors in terrorism, weapons systems, detainee support and Homeland Security. He will also offer a breakdown of the different agencies and their missions. Prior to joining Henley-Putnam, Mr. Hunter served as an intelligence officer with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), where he specialized in a variety of analytical areas, including Homeland Security, Detainee Support, and South American narcoterrorism."
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1 comment:

  1. Happy Holidays! I pray that your year was full of joy and success, and I pray that 2010 will bring favor and prosperity.
