Thinking about the future, and, more importantly, how to think about the future.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Quick And Easy Translation Tool (Digital Inspiration via Lifehacker)
The tool is the Translate This! bookmarklet. All you have to do is grab the bookmarklet from the Lifehacker page and then move it into the toolbar (see the screencast below).
Then, when you run across a website in a foreign language, you just click the button and the page is converted into a reasonable facsimile of a translation. The tool works by automatically identifying the language on the page to be translated and then using Google Translate to translate it to English.
I tried out with a Croatian language site and a Farsi language site and it seemed to work pretty well.
If you like this bookmarklet, there are many others available here, and here.
(Production Note: I made the screencast using a very easy, online sceencasting tool called Screencast-o-matic. It requires no download and is free to use as it is currently in beta).
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
80+ Church Burglaries In 400 Days. Can You Help? (Crowdsourcing Analysis)
- Full disclosure: Dagir is run by Mercyhurst grads. I had many of them in my classes while they were here. I thought I was calling in a favor but when they heard the reason why, they were more than happy to contribute their time and expertise.
The guys at Dagir actually built two platforms for us to use. The first is a loosely structured wiki where anyone who has a few minutes to spare can help. Simple things like plotting the location of a church that HAS NOT been burglarized or reading and commenting on the one of the ongoing analytic discussions would add value to the product.
More sophisticated analysis is also possible through the second tool, an interactive geospatial analysis tool that permits the user to play with the data in a variety of interesting ways (the picture above is a screenshot of the tool). Want to search for only those burglaries that involved forced entry through a window? You can do that. Want to see how the pattern of burglaries emerge across time? You can do that, too. The Dagir team has even put up a "How-to" section on the wiki for those that really want to explore the power of this geospatial analytic tool.
The wiki platform also allows people who want to contribute to the project to upload any analysis (sophisticated or otherwise) or just plain information that might be of use to the rest of us. It really is a flexible set of tools (I was also glad to see the Dagir guys settled on Wikispaces as the wiki platform of choice. It is a very easy to learn wiki platform).
Even if you can't find the time to help analyze the data, watching the project evolve from this point should be an interesting case study in how these kinds of efforts work and how they might be improved in the future. It could also be an interesting classroom extra credit assignment for those who are interested in crime mapping or collaborative analysis.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
List Of 300 Alleged Iranian Intelligence Officers ( via
With apologies to my Serbian and Croatian teachers, the first column appears to be some sort of internal tracking number, the second column is the name of the person, the third column is the date of birth, the fourth column is the place of birth and the fifth column is the country of birth. The sixth column is a "PI" number -- maybe a passport number -- and the seventh column is the "agreement number" (whatever that means, though it may be date related). Column 8 is the type of visa issued while column 9 is the dates the visa is valid from and to. The final column is the place the person either entered or intended to enter into Bosnia (the context is unclear to me).
The source of this data is un-named (of course) but the author implies that the source knew that the people listed in this document are agents travelling, the author claims, as "athletes, scientists, writers, [and] cultural workers."
My own experience with the press in the Balkans suggests that this is either spectacularly right or spectacularly wrong -- with special emphasis on the word "spectacle". Sometimes the stuff that comes out of southeast Europe makes the Weekly World News sound tame. At the same time, Iran and Bosnia share a complicated history dating back, at least, to the Balkan Wars of the 1990's.
From my perspective, it is a good case study in the strengths and weaknesses of open sources. Such a document would never have had such a wide dissemination without the internet but the mere fact that it is on the internet has to give one serious pause as to its authenticity.
As an interesting side experiment, I decided to use Dax Norman's work on evaluating the credibility of a website to see what a more objective analysis might come up with. I was very conservative in my scoring and the site scored as one with low credibility. Had I been even a bit more liberal with my scoring, it would have come in at the medium level. I recommend the experiment to anyone who is interested. You can find the tools to do it and the research to back it up on Dax's website.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Intel Project Earns Kudos From Iraqis (
Next-Gen Librarians
I know, I know. That sounds weird, but apparently these librarians "get it" and are moving fairly decisively to re-vamp their discipline for the 21st Century and beyond.
I am not sure how effective my speech was but I was massively impressed with the students in this program and the philosophy behind it. With substantial help from a variety of government agencies, the program has gone out of its way to recruit people from all walks of life -- people who are looking to change carreers.
I spoke with lawyers and stock brokers and editors. All were information junkies (obviously) and all were seriously considering the transformation of the "library" as we know it.
Many (if not all) of the students I spoke with are attending St. John's on a full ride scholarship. The program also provides free laptops and other assistance with regards to conference fees and what have you.
One of the most interesting things was to have a chance to compare notes with what amounted to some really great OSINT collectors. Not sure if you could hire any of these people (there is a job, apparently, waiting for most if not all of them when they are done -- the average age of a librarian is close to 50 and some enormous number of them are retiring in the next 36 months) but, boy, if you did, you would acquire some unique and very impressive talent.