Friday, July 9, 2010

I Am Off To The Global Intelligence Forum... (Liveblogging Dungarvan)

I am very much looking forward to this, not only becasue it is in Ireland but also because it represents a kind of re-start on one of my favorite conferences of all times -- the annual Mercyhurst Colloquium.  

Anyone who ever went to one of the old Colloquia knows they were great conferences.  With much less focus on presentation after mind-numbing presentation and much more emphasis on educated discussion and networking over...ahem..."libations" of one sort or another, it was the perfect conference to not only relax but also to think and talk about intelligence in new ways with interesting people.  

Mercyhurst put the colloquium on hiatus for a few years to help IAFIE get up and running but with that organization moving forward on its own with a healthy head of steam, and with Mercyhurst starting to hold classes in Dungarvan, it seemed like too good an opportunity to pass up (By the way, the very generous sponsors who helped make it all happen seemed to think so too...)

So, I am pretty pumped!  I am told by everyone who had an hand in the preparation that the Irish have pulled out all the stops and some of our students, who spent the last term studying over there, say the absolute best things about the people of Dungarvan.  

While I am sure the hospitality will be great, the company I'll be keeping will be even better.  If you have not had the chance, check out the speaker list.  I will try to blog some of the events from over there but a more complete report may have to wait until I get back.

If you are not going to be able to go, besides this blog, you can also follow some of the action on Facebook or on the Mercyhurst website (where they are posting the news coverage of the event).

And if you are one of the lucky ones that get to go?  Look for me at Downey's on Main St.  I'll be the big Yank in the back enjoying Dungarvan Brewing Company's exceptionally fine red ale!

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