As for the faculty, we are currently looking to hire two new full time professors for next year. For more information about the positions, the Chronicle of Higher Education has the complete details. For anyone interested in the program, I recommend www.mciis.org, or in the college, I recommend www.mercyhurst.edu. For those interested in (or nervous about) Erie, I recommend this amazing post.
Those of you who have made the pilgrimage to Mercyhurst know that we are bursting at the seams in our current digs. The new building will not only give us room to stretch our legs in a state-of-the-art facility but also allow us to more easily interact with the faculty and students of other departments -- an opportunity that I think we all are excited about.
The latest sketch of the new building is in the picture above. For those of you familiar with the campus, the building is set to be north and east of the library in the very front of the campus. The bridge on the third floor (visible in this picture) will connect the new building to the library. The funding for the basic version of the building, as I understand it, is largely complete. We are now looking for some generous donors to make it even more awesome...
So, students, parents, alumni and friends of the program, what do you think? Leave a note in the comments!